Population of Singapore (2024)

Singapore population


Births this year: 410,487 Births today 1
Deaths this year 171,036 Deaths today 0

Singapore Population by Religions(2010 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Buddhist 33.9% 1,960,006 people
Muslim 14.3% 826,787 people
Taoist 11.3% 653,335 people
Catholic 7.1% 410,503 people
Hindu 5.2% 300,650 people
other Christian 11% 635,990 people
other 0.7% 40,472 people
none 16.4% 948,203 people

Singapore Population by Ethnic groups (2013 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Chinese 74.2% 4,290,042 people
Malay 13.3% 768,970 people
Indian 9.2% 531,919 people
other 3.3% 190,797 people

Singapore population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 6,006,710 2,961,688 3,045,022 100 100 100 97.3
00-04 267,486 138,140 129,346 4.5 4.7 4.2 106.8
05-09 286,352 147,504 138,848 4.8 5 4.6 106.2
10-14 305,265 154,889 150,376 5.1 5.2 4.9 103
15-19 338,425 172,375 166,050 5.6 5.8 5.5 103.8
20-24 376,829 192,486 184,343 6.3 6.5 6.1 104.4
25-29 401,306 203,208 198,098 6.7 6.9 6.5 102.6
30-34 382,140 191,145 190,995 6.4 6.5 6.3 100.1
35-39 420,724 203,228 217,496 7 6.9 7.1 93.4
40-44 457,471 219,873 237,598 7.6 7.4 7.8 92.5
45-49 485,590 237,274 248,316 8.1 8 8.2 95.6
50-54 469,516 231,613 237,903 7.8 7.8 7.8 97.4
55-59 477,112 239,020 238,092 7.9 8.1 7.8 100.4
60-64 432,927 215,568 217,359 7.2 7.3 7.1 99.2
65-69 340,309 167,445 172,864 5.7 5.7 5.7 96.9
70-74 247,453 118,233 129,220 4.1 4 4.2 91.5
75-79 135,933 61,639 74,294 2.3 2.1 2.4 83
80-84 95,688 40,318 55,370 1.6 1.4 1.8 72.8
85-89 52,213 18,956 33,257 0.9 0.6 1.1 57
90-94 23,310 6,631 16,679 0.4 0.2 0.5 39.8
95-99 8,551 1,828 6,723 0.1 0.1 0.2 27.2
100+ 2,110 315 1,795 0 0 0.1 17.5

Singapore Age structure and Population pyramid

Singapore Age structure and Population pyramid

Singapore Sex ratio

Singapore Sex ratio

Singapore Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Singapore

Singapore Population (1950 - 2024)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2023 6,153,344 0.69 41,989 97.10 8,790.49
2022 6,111,355 0.79 48,104 97.16 8,730.51
2021 6,063,251 0.94 56,541 97.22 8,661.79
2020 6,006,710 1.11 65,785 97.26 8,581.01
2019 5,940,925 1.27 74,378 97.31 8,487.04
2018 5,866,547 1.42 82,009 97.35 8,380.78
2017 5,784,538 1.55 88,032 97.38 8,263.63
2016 5,696,506 1.66 92,766 97.40 8,137.87
2015 5,603,740 1.76 97,154 97.40 8,005.34
2014 5,506,586 1.88 101,577 97.39 7,866.55
2013 5,405,009 1.99 105,485 97.36 7,721.44
2012 5,299,524 2.10 108,858 97.34 7,570.75
2011 5,190,666 2.20 111,705 97.35 7,415.24
2010 5,078,961 2.29 113,856 97.41 7,255.66
2005 4,495,531 14.74 577,348 98.54 6,422.19
2000 3,918,183 12.51 435,548 99.84 5,597.40
1995 3,482,635 15.46 466,235 101.35 4,975.19
1990 3,016,400 11.36 307,766 101.25 4,309.14
1985 2,708,634 12.18 294,110 103.78 3,869.48
1980 2,414,524 6.72 152,131 104.13 3,449.32
1975 2,262,393 9.08 188,322 104.44 3,231.99
1970 2,074,071 10.35 194,500 104.91 2,962.96
1965 1,879,571 15.05 245,853 106.49 2,685.10
1960 1,633,718 25.12 327,987 111.32 2,333.88
1955 1,305,731 27.75 283,633 110.96 1,865.33
1950 1,022,098 107.41 1,460.14
Chart population Singapore Population (1950 - 2024)