Population of Israel (2025)

Israel population


Births this year: 1,288,023 Births today 286
Deaths this year 365,995 Deaths today 81

Israel Population by Religions(2012 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Jewish 75.1% 6,139,070 people
Muslim 17.4% 1,422,368 people
Christian 2% 163,491 people
Druze 1.6% 130,792 people
other 3.9% 318,807 people

Israel Population by Ethnic groups (2012 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Jewish (of which Israel-born, Europe/America/Oceania-born, Africa-born, Asia-born) 75.1% 6,139,070 people
non-Jewish (mostly Arab) 24.9% 2,035,457 people

Israel population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 9,359,208 4,672,329 4,686,879 100 100 100 99.7
00-04 823,571 422,289 401,282 8.8 9 8.6 105.2
05-09 824,319 422,579 401,740 8.8 9 8.6 105.2
10-14 834,405 428,027 406,378 8.9 9.2 8.7 105.3
15-19 744,250 382,089 362,161 8 8.2 7.7 105.5
20-24 681,773 349,596 332,177 7.3 7.5 7.1 105.2
25-29 639,480 327,643 311,837 6.8 7 6.7 105.1
30-34 586,414 299,637 286,777 6.3 6.4 6.1 104.5
35-39 574,970 290,344 284,626 6.1 6.2 6.1 102
40-44 565,280 282,455 282,825 6 6 6 99.9
45-49 548,767 272,714 276,053 5.9 5.8 5.9 98.8
50-54 499,161 246,989 252,172 5.3 5.3 5.4 97.9
55-59 417,554 204,900 212,654 4.5 4.4 4.5 96.4
60-64 374,761 181,102 193,659 4 3.9 4.1 93.5
65-69 341,898 160,900 180,998 3.7 3.4 3.9 88.9
70-74 336,540 155,240 181,300 3.6 3.3 3.9 85.6
75-79 263,739 120,298 143,441 2.8 2.6 3.1 83.9
80-84 145,582 64,108 81,474 1.6 1.4 1.7 78.7
85-89 91,347 37,036 54,311 1 0.8 1.2 68.2
90-94 46,975 17,689 29,286 0.5 0.4 0.6 60.4
95-99 15,329 5,427 9,902 0.2 0.1 0.2 54.8
100+ 3,093 1,267 1,826 0 0 0 69.4

Israel Age structure and Population pyramid

Israel Age structure and Population pyramid

Israel Sex ratio

Israel Sex ratio

Israel Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Israel

Israel Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 9,231,611 1.40 127,638 99.57 426.60
2023 9,103,973 1.43 127,923 99.45 420.70
2022 8,976,050 1.45 128,516 99.33 414.79
2021 8,847,534 1.48 129,298 99.20 408.85
2020 8,718,236 1.52 130,692 99.07 402.88
2019 8,587,544 1.56 132,055 98.93 396.84
2018 8,455,489 1.59 132,241 98.80 390.73
2017 8,323,248 1.60 130,785 98.66 384.62
2016 8,192,463 1.59 128,427 98.51 378.58
2015 8,064,036 1.57 124,553 98.36 372.64
2014 7,939,483 1.56 121,665 98.19 366.89
2013 7,817,818 1.60 123,311 98.02 361.27
2012 7,694,507 1.73 131,173 97.86 355.57
2011 7,563,334 1.93 142,966 97.71 349.51
2010 7,420,368 2.17 157,404 97.59 342.90
2005 6,603,677 9.81 589,966 97.39 305.16
2000 6,013,711 12.79 682,089 97.17 277.90
1995 5,331,622 18.50 832,461 97.58 246.38
1990 4,499,161 10.20 416,380 99.64 207.91
1985 4,082,781 9.03 338,114 99.90 188.67
1980 3,744,667 12.22 407,907 99.69 173.04
1975 3,336,760 17.09 487,137 100.54 154.19
1970 2,849,623 12.97 327,093 101.77 131.68
1965 2,522,530 20.70 432,639 101.97 116.57
1960 2,089,891 21.58 370,936 102.86 96.58
1955 1,718,955 36.65 460,984 103.27 79.43
1950 1,257,971 105.82 58.13
Chart population Israel Population (1950 - 2025)