Population of Canada (2025)

Canada population


Births this year: 3,164,466 Births today 86
Deaths this year 2,611,452 Deaths today 71

Canada Population by Religions(2011 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Catholic (includes Roman Catholic, Orthodox, other Catholic) 40.6% 14,357,339 people
Protestant (includes United Church, Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, other Protestant) 20.3% 7,178,670 people
other Christian 6.3% 2,227,863 people
Muslim 3.2% 1,131,613 people
Hindu 1.5% 530,444 people
Sikh 1.4% 495,081 people
Buddhist 1.1% 388,992 people
Jewish 1% 353,629 people
other 0.6% 212,177 people
none 23.9% 8,451,734 people

Canada Population by Ethnic groups (2011 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Canadian 32.2% 11,386,855 people
English 19.8% 7,001,855 people
French 15.5% 5,481,250 people
Scottish 14.4% 5,092,258 people
Irish 13.8% 4,880,081 people
German 9.8% 3,465,565 people
Italian 4.5% 1,591,331 people
Chinese 4.5% 1,591,331 people
North American Indian 4.2% 1,485,242 people
other 50.9% 17,999,719 people

Canada population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 39,065,703 19,411,098 19,654,605 100 100 100 98.8
00-04 2,017,263 1,035,825 981,438 5.2 5.3 5 105.5
05-09 2,095,208 1,075,807 1,019,401 5.4 5.5 5.2 105.5
10-14 2,131,529 1,091,541 1,039,988 5.5 5.6 5.3 105
15-19 2,172,299 1,108,111 1,064,188 5.6 5.7 5.4 104.1
20-24 2,102,916 1,072,053 1,030,863 5.4 5.5 5.2 104
25-29 2,366,882 1,204,746 1,162,136 6.1 6.2 5.9 103.7
30-34 2,715,195 1,374,103 1,341,092 7 7.1 6.8 102.5
35-39 2,627,443 1,313,817 1,313,626 6.7 6.8 6.7 100
40-44 2,655,450 1,323,425 1,332,025 6.8 6.8 6.8 99.4
45-49 2,470,327 1,228,568 1,241,759 6.3 6.3 6.3 98.9
50-54 2,382,842 1,187,016 1,195,826 6.1 6.1 6.1 99.3
55-59 2,413,732 1,203,760 1,209,972 6.2 6.2 6.2 99.5
60-64 2,738,903 1,365,462 1,373,441 7 7 7 99.4
65-69 2,489,682 1,229,595 1,260,087 6.4 6.3 6.4 97.6
70-74 2,018,885 979,202 1,039,683 5.2 5 5.3 94.2
75-79 1,640,471 775,233 865,238 4.2 4 4.4 89.6
80-84 1,038,063 465,923 572,140 2.7 2.4 2.9 81.4
85-89 593,144 244,791 348,353 1.5 1.3 1.8 70.3
90-94 286,980 102,528 184,452 0.7 0.5 0.9 55.6
95-99 93,130 26,522 66,608 0.2 0.1 0.3 39.8
100+ 15,359 3,070 12,289 0 0 0.1 25

Canada Age structure and Population pyramid

Canada Age structure and Population pyramid

Canada Sex ratio

Canada Sex ratio

Canada Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Canada

Canada Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 38,784,437 0.74 285,988 98.73 4.27
2023 38,498,449 0.76 291,811 98.71 4.23
2022 38,206,638 0.79 299,250 98.67 4.20
2021 37,907,388 0.82 307,819 98.64 4.17
2020 37,599,569 0.85 316,479 98.60 4.13
2019 37,283,090 0.88 324,599 98.56 4.10
2018 36,958,491 0.91 332,408 98.52 4.06
2017 36,626,083 0.94 339,705 98.47 4.03
2016 36,286,378 0.96 346,451 98.44 3.99
2015 35,939,927 0.99 352,134 98.41 3.95
2014 35,587,793 1.01 357,181 98.40 3.91
2013 35,230,612 1.04 362,461 98.40 3.87
2012 34,868,151 1.07 368,246 98.41 3.83
2011 34,499,905 1.10 373,732 98.42 3.79
2010 34,126,173 1.12 379,614 98.41 3.75
2005 32,256,333 5.06 1,554,430 98.26 3.55
2000 30,701,903 4.79 1,402,425 98.11 3.38
1995 29,299,478 5.92 1,637,038 98.01 3.22
1990 27,662,440 7.02 1,814,267 98.34 3.04
1985 25,848,173 5.43 1,332,385 98.63 2.84
1980 24,515,788 5.94 1,375,179 99.22 2.70
1975 23,140,609 7.94 1,701,409 100.19 2.54
1970 21,439,200 8.86 1,745,662 100.59 2.36
1965 19,693,538 9.96 1,784,306 101.13 2.17
1960 17,909,232 13.83 2,175,374 102.34 1.97
1955 15,733,858 14.54 1,996,861 102.78 1.73
1950 13,736,997 102.97 1.51
Chart population Canada Population (1950 - 2025)