Population of Qatar (2024)

Qatar population


Births this year: 171,339 Births today 57
Deaths this year 26,496 Deaths today 9

Qatar Population by Religions(2004 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim 77.5% 1,750,169 people
Christian 8.5% 191,954 people
other (includes mainly Hindu and other Indian religions) 14% 316,160 people

Qatar Population by Ethnic groups (2004 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Arab 40% 903,313 people
, Indian 18% 406,491 people
Pakistani 18% 406,491 people
Iranian 10% 225,828 people
other 14% 316,160 people

Qatar population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 2,452,180 1,743,798 708,382 100 100 100 246.2
00-04 135,084 69,009 66,075 5.5 4 9.3 104.4
05-09 134,224 68,417 65,807 5.5 3.9 9.3 104
10-14 113,349 58,070 55,279 4.6 3.3 7.8 105
15-19 106,433 61,335 45,098 4.3 3.5 6.4 136
20-24 225,925 175,450 50,475 9.2 10.1 7.1 347.6
25-29 402,766 336,393 66,373 16.4 19.3 9.4 506.8
30-34 412,062 320,315 91,747 16.8 18.4 13 349.1
35-39 295,281 201,546 93,735 12 11.6 13.2 215
40-44 189,927 131,040 58,887 7.7 7.5 8.3 222.5
45-49 161,679 119,035 42,644 6.6 6.8 6 279.1
50-54 123,438 92,219 31,219 5 5.3 4.4 295.4
55-59 68,819 51,737 17,082 2.8 3 2.4 302.9
60-64 41,458 30,711 10,747 1.7 1.8 1.5 285.8
65-69 20,406 14,389 6,017 0.8 0.8 0.8 239.1
70-74 8,896 5,883 3,013 0.4 0.3 0.4 195.3
75-79 6,511 4,363 2,148 0.3 0.3 0.3 203.1
80-84 4,615 3,232 1,383 0.2 0.2 0.2 233.7
85-89 902 468 434 0 0 0.1 107.8
90-94 330 159 171 0 0 0 93
95-99 61 22 39 0 0 0 56.4
100+ 14 5 9 0 0 0 55.6

Qatar Age structure and Population pyramid

Qatar Age structure and Population pyramid

Qatar Sex ratio

Qatar Sex ratio

Qatar Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Qatar

Qatar Population (1950 - 2024)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2023 2,567,659 1.54 39,013 238.73 221.16
2022 2,528,646 1.56 38,809 240.97 217.80
2021 2,489,837 1.54 37,657 243.42 214.46
2020 2,452,180 1.52 36,613 246.17 211.21
2019 2,415,567 1.56 37,194 249.02 208.06
2018 2,378,373 1.72 40,288 251.95 204.86
2017 2,338,085 2.04 46,717 255.30 201.39
2016 2,291,368 2.51 56,013 259.67 197.36
2015 2,235,355 2.91 63,290 265.47 192.54
2014 2,172,065 3.37 70,777 273.63 187.09
2013 2,101,288 4.25 85,664 284.17 180.99
2012 2,015,624 5.78 110,187 295.31 173.61
2011 1,905,437 7.93 139,924 303.61 164.12
2010 1,765,513 10.96 174,362 305.68 152.07
2005 836,924 41.03 243,471 200.09 72.09
2000 593,453 18.45 92,434 185.90 51.12
1995 501,019 5.15 24,541 193.20 43.15
1990 476,478 28.41 105,407 202.57 41.04
1985 371,071 65.87 147,356 201.76 31.96
1980 223,715 36.14 59,382 170.50 19.27
1975 164,333 50.31 55,004 198.64 14.15
1970 109,329 48.66 35,786 177.12 9.42
1965 73,543 55.45 26,234 155.59 6.33
1960 47,309 32.02 11,474 129.88 4.07
1955 35,835 43.35 10,836 119.47 3.09
1950 24,999 102.78 2.15
Chart population Qatar Population (1950 - 2024)