Population of Pakistan (2025)

Pakistan population


Births this year: 38,784,089 Births today 8,361
Deaths this year 11,130,860 Deaths today 2,400

Pakistan Population by Religions(2010 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim (official) 96.4% 194,723,701 people
other (includes Christian and Hindu) 3.6% 7,271,839 people

Pakistan Population by Ethnic groups (2010 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Punjabi 44.68% 90,251,607 people
Pashtun (Pathan) 15.42% 31,147,712 people
Sindhi 14.1% 28,481,371 people
Sariaki 8.38% 16,927,226 people
Muhajirs 7.57% 15,291,062 people
Balochi 3.57% 7,211,241 people
other 6.28% 12,685,320 people

Pakistan population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 227,182,184 116,656,733 110,525,451 100 100 100 105.5
00-04 25,339,014 13,150,369 12,188,645 11.2 11.3 11 107.9
05-09 25,143,334 13,044,926 12,098,408 11.1 11.2 10.9 107.8
10-14 24,154,493 12,524,565 11,629,928 10.6 10.7 10.5 107.7
15-19 21,710,677 11,241,238 10,469,439 9.6 9.6 9.5 107.4
20-24 19,105,531 9,935,008 9,170,523 8.4 8.5 8.3 108.3
25-29 18,812,345 9,710,974 9,101,371 8.3 8.3 8.2 106.7
30-34 17,826,190 9,107,723 8,718,467 7.8 7.8 7.9 104.5
35-39 16,333,256 8,305,113 8,028,143 7.2 7.1 7.3 103.4
40-44 13,454,520 6,820,920 6,633,600 5.9 5.8 6 102.8
45-49 11,041,057 5,592,569 5,448,488 4.9 4.8 4.9 102.6
50-54 9,073,828 4,586,810 4,487,018 4 3.9 4.1 102.2
55-59 7,681,536 3,865,379 3,816,157 3.4 3.3 3.5 101.3
60-64 6,283,998 3,147,973 3,136,025 2.8 2.7 2.8 100.4
65-69 4,616,088 2,302,530 2,313,558 2 2 2.1 99.5
70-74 2,943,838 1,457,180 1,486,658 1.3 1.2 1.3 98
75-79 1,976,125 992,073 984,052 0.9 0.9 0.9 100.8
80-84 1,123,110 570,907 552,203 0.5 0.5 0.5 103.4
85-89 435,046 228,902 206,144 0.2 0.2 0.2 111
90-94 110,788 61,075 49,713 0 0.1 0 122.9
95-99 16,025 9,594 6,431 0 0 0 149.2
100+ 1,385 905 480 0 0 0 188.5

Pakistan Age structure and Population pyramid

Pakistan Age structure and Population pyramid

Pakistan Sex ratio

Pakistan Sex ratio

Pakistan Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Pakistan

Pakistan Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 223,517,871 1.69 3,706,164 105.57 289.95
2023 219,811,707 1.74 3,749,010 105.58 285.14
2022 216,062,697 1.79 3,792,383 105.59 280.28
2021 212,270,314 1.84 3,833,731 105.60 275.36
2020 208,436,583 1.89 3,871,839 105.61 270.39
2019 204,564,744 1.94 3,901,926 105.62 265.37
2018 200,662,818 1.99 3,918,442 105.62 260.30
2017 196,744,376 2.03 3,917,874 105.62 255.22
2016 192,826,502 2.07 3,901,628 105.63 250.14
2015 188,924,874 2.10 3,880,588 105.64 245.08
2014 185,044,286 2.13 3,851,640 105.65 240.04
2013 181,192,646 2.14 3,800,394 105.67 235.05
2012 177,392,252 2.14 3,722,604 105.69 230.12
2011 173,669,648 2.13 3,625,730 105.73 225.29
2010 170,043,918 2.12 3,522,935 105.79 220.58
2005 153,356,383 10.93 15,105,896 106.33 198.94
2000 138,250,487 12.77 15,650,738 106.59 179.34
1995 122,599,749 13.93 14,992,110 106.94 159.04
1990 107,607,639 16.76 15,442,574 107.62 139.59
1985 92,165,065 18.05 14,093,081 108.52 119.56
1980 78,071,984 16.89 11,280,488 109.70 101.28
1975 66,791,496 14.97 8,697,257 110.97 86.64
1970 58,094,239 14.25 7,245,464 112.18 75.36
1965 50,848,775 13.22 5,936,965 113.62 65.96
1960 44,911,810 11.09 4,484,738 115.36 58.26
1955 40,427,072 7.68 2,884,692 117.38 52.44
1950 37,542,380 119.79 48.70
Chart population Pakistan Population (1950 - 2025)