Population of Mexico (2025)

Mexico population


Births this year: 19,618,469 Births today 3,911
Deaths this year 5,620,426 Deaths today 1,120

Mexico Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Roman Catholic 82.7% 101,858,901 people
Pentecostal 1.6% 1,970,668 people
other 16.7% 20,568,847 people

Mexico Population by Ethnic groups

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish) 60% 73,900,049 people
Amerindian or predominantly Amerindian 30% 36,950,025 people
white 9% 11,085,007 people
other 1% 1,231,667 people

Mexico population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 141,923,538 70,601,442 71,322,096 100 100 100 99
00-04 10,985,753 5,615,308 5,370,445 7.7 8 7.5 104.6
05-09 11,328,005 5,786,219 5,541,786 8 8.2 7.8 104.4
10-14 11,521,291 5,882,044 5,639,247 8.1 8.3 7.9 104.3
15-19 11,459,946 5,848,971 5,610,975 8.1 8.3 7.9 104.2
20-24 11,612,013 5,892,866 5,719,147 8.2 8.3 8 103
25-29 11,633,470 5,874,431 5,759,039 8.2 8.3 8.1 102
30-34 11,083,490 5,588,158 5,495,332 7.8 7.9 7.7 101.7
35-39 10,306,668 5,169,938 5,136,730 7.3 7.3 7.2 100.6
40-44 9,598,349 4,724,510 4,873,839 6.8 6.7 6.8 96.9
45-49 9,037,833 4,390,266 4,647,567 6.4 6.2 6.5 94.5
50-54 8,295,024 4,022,329 4,272,695 5.8 5.7 6 94.1
55-59 6,995,826 3,403,438 3,592,388 4.9 4.8 5 94.7
60-64 5,513,341 2,607,397 2,905,944 3.9 3.7 4.1 89.7
65-69 4,384,075 2,059,151 2,324,924 3.1 2.9 3.3 88.6
70-74 3,339,582 1,568,107 1,771,475 2.4 2.2 2.5 88.5
75-79 2,104,710 998,578 1,106,132 1.5 1.4 1.6 90.3
80-84 1,410,987 643,176 767,811 1 0.9 1.1 83.8
85-89 767,663 328,249 439,414 0.5 0.5 0.6 74.7
90-94 384,067 144,510 239,557 0.3 0.2 0.3 60.3
95-99 133,173 45,129 88,044 0.1 0.1 0.1 51.3
100+ 28,272 8,667 19,605 0 0 0 44.2

Mexico Age structure and Population pyramid

Mexico Age structure and Population pyramid

Mexico Sex ratio

Mexico Sex ratio

Mexico Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Mexico

Mexico Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 140,572,835 1.00 1,385,435 98.99 72.31
2023 139,187,400 1.03 1,418,825 99.00 71.60
2022 137,768,575 1.06 1,450,615 99.00 70.87
2021 136,317,960 1.10 1,480,914 99.00 70.12
2020 134,837,046 1.13 1,510,218 99.00 69.36
2019 133,326,828 1.17 1,538,557 98.99 68.59
2018 131,788,271 1.20 1,565,456 98.99 67.79
2017 130,222,815 1.24 1,590,811 98.99 66.99
2016 128,632,004 1.27 1,614,780 98.98 66.17
2015 127,017,224 1.30 1,631,391 98.97 65.34
2014 125,385,833 1.33 1,645,724 98.97 64.50
2013 123,740,109 1.37 1,669,146 98.96 63.65
2012 122,070,963 1.42 1,705,692 98.95 62.80
2011 120,365,271 1.47 1,747,729 98.94 61.92
2010 118,617,542 1.54 1,801,930 98.92 61.02
2005 109,747,906 6.75 6,939,316 98.77 56.46
2000 102,808,590 8.88 8,381,644 98.59 52.89
1995 94,426,946 10.30 8,817,542 98.62 48.57
1990 85,609,404 10.72 8,286,761 98.94 44.04
1985 77,322,643 11.53 7,991,669 99.16 39.78
1980 69,330,974 13.90 8,458,575 99.49 35.66
1975 60,872,399 17.00 8,842,540 99.50 31.31
1970 52,029,859 16.60 7,406,818 99.49 26.77
1965 44,623,041 16.89 6,448,927 99.39 22.95
1960 38,174,114 17.08 5,568,936 99.27 19.64
1955 32,605,178 16.39 4,592,620 99.12 16.77
1950 28,012,558 98.92 14.41
Chart population Mexico Population (1950 - 2025)