Population of Kenya (2025)

Kenya population


Births this year: 0 Births today 0
Deaths this year 72,499 Deaths today 12

Kenya Population by Religions(2009 census)

Region Name Percents Number
Christian (Protestant, Catholic, other) 82.5% 3,860,237 people
Muslim 11.1% 519,377 people
Traditionalists 1.6% 74,865 people
other 1.7% 79,544 people
none 2.4% 112,298 people
unspecified 0.7% 32,754 people

Kenya Population by Ethnic groups (2009 census)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Kikuyu 22% 1,029,397 people
Luhya 14% 655,071 people
Luo 13% 608,280 people
Kalenjin 12% 561,489 people
Kamba 11% 514,698 people
Kisii 6% 280,745 people
Meru 6% 280,745 people
other African 15% 701,861 people
non-African (Asian, European, and Arab) 1% 46,791 people

Kenya population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 58,610,170 29,231,124 29,379,046 100 100 100 99.5
00-04 8,005,364 4,032,159 3,973,205 13.7 13.8 13.5 101.5
05-09 7,452,513 3,742,937 3,709,576 12.7 12.8 12.6 100.9
10-14 6,967,891 3,498,586 3,469,305 11.9 12 11.8 100.8
15-19 6,364,998 3,193,186 3,171,812 10.9 10.9 10.8 100.7
20-24 5,501,686 2,752,433 2,749,253 9.4 9.4 9.4 100.1
25-29 4,577,522 2,284,114 2,293,408 7.8 7.8 7.8 99.6
30-34 4,031,560 2,006,834 2,024,726 6.9 6.9 6.9 99.1
35-39 3,820,083 1,897,267 1,922,816 6.5 6.5 6.5 98.7
40-44 3,243,165 1,612,338 1,630,827 5.5 5.5 5.6 98.9
45-49 2,486,196 1,250,129 1,236,067 4.2 4.3 4.2 101.1
50-54 1,796,683 917,680 879,003 3.1 3.1 3 104.4
55-59 1,311,215 654,453 656,762 2.2 2.2 2.2 99.6
60-64 1,041,534 490,926 550,608 1.8 1.7 1.9 89.2
65-69 829,488 376,288 453,200 1.4 1.3 1.5 83
70-74 598,824 268,750 330,074 1 0.9 1.1 81.4
75-79 341,143 151,946 189,197 0.6 0.5 0.6 80.3
80-84 152,943 66,018 86,925 0.3 0.2 0.3 75.9
85-89 65,494 26,814 38,680 0.1 0.1 0.1 69.3
90-94 18,842 7,235 11,607 0 0 0 62.3
95-99 2,799 964 1,835 0 0 0 52.5
100+ 227 67 160 0 0 0 41.9

Kenya Age structure and Population pyramid

Kenya Age structure and Population pyramid

Kenya Sex ratio

Kenya Sex ratio

Kenya Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Kenya

Kenya Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 57,297,751 2.32 1,296,486 99.54 100.67
2023 56,001,265 2.34 1,282,449 99.58 98.40
2022 54,718,816 2.38 1,270,955 99.62 96.14
2021 53,447,861 2.42 1,261,139 99.66 93.91
2020 52,186,722 2.46 1,251,223 99.70 91.69
2019 50,935,499 2.50 1,240,180 99.75 89.50
2018 49,695,319 2.53 1,228,391 99.80 87.32
2017 48,466,928 2.57 1,215,479 99.85 85.16
2016 47,251,449 2.61 1,201,147 99.90 83.02
2015 46,050,302 2.65 1,186,719 99.93 80.91
2014 44,863,583 2.68 1,170,702 99.95 78.83
2013 43,692,881 2.70 1,149,903 99.96 76.77
2012 42,542,978 2.71 1,123,024 99.96 74.75
2011 41,419,954 2.71 1,091,641 99.95 72.78
2010 40,328,313 2.69 1,058,325 99.95 70.86
2005 35,349,040 13.79 4,283,220 99.89 62.11
2000 31,065,820 13.49 3,692,785 99.42 54.58
1995 27,373,035 16.75 3,926,806 99.22 48.10
1990 23,446,229 19.25 3,785,516 99.24 41.20
1985 19,660,713 20.86 3,392,807 99.24 34.54
1980 16,267,906 20.63 2,781,665 99.19 28.58
1975 13,486,241 19.85 2,233,775 99.26 23.70
1970 11,252,466 18.39 1,747,764 99.53 19.77
1965 9,504,702 17.26 1,399,262 99.97 16.70
1960 8,105,440 16.12 1,125,501 100.61 14.24
1955 6,979,939 14.86 903,182 101.10 12.26
1950 6,076,757 101.74 10.68
Chart population Kenya Population (1950 - 2025)