Population of Bulgaria (2024)

Bulgaria population


Births this year: 493,233 Births today 68
Deaths this year 812,713 Deaths today 112

Bulgaria Population by Religions(2011 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Eastern Orthodox 59.4% 4,243,924 people
Muslim 7.8% 557,283 people
other (including Catholic, Protestant, Armenian Apostolic Orthodox, and Jewish) 1.7% 121,459 people
none 3.7% 264,352 people
unspecified 27.4% 1,957,635 people

Bulgaria Population by Ethnic groups (2011 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Bulgarian 76.9% 5,494,238 people
Turkish 8% 571,572 people
Roma 4.4% 314,365 people
other (including Russian, Armenian, and Vlach) 0.7% 50,013 people
other (unknown) 10% 714,465 people

Bulgaria population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 6,884,344 3,340,433 3,543,911 100 100 100 94.3
00-04 326,785 168,012 158,773 4.7 5 4.5 105.8
05-09 335,193 172,193 163,000 4.9 5.2 4.6 105.6
10-14 355,842 182,378 173,464 5.2 5.5 4.9 105.1
15-19 310,915 160,437 150,478 4.5 4.8 4.2 106.6
20-24 307,915 158,630 149,285 4.5 4.7 4.2 106.3
25-29 364,617 187,185 177,432 5.3 5.6 5 105.5
30-34 473,557 243,530 230,027 6.9 7.3 6.5 105.9
35-39 484,298 251,086 233,212 7 7.5 6.6 107.7
40-44 515,437 265,418 250,019 7.5 7.9 7.1 106.2
45-49 527,206 268,885 258,321 7.7 8 7.3 104.1
50-54 488,769 246,537 242,232 7.1 7.4 6.8 101.8
55-59 457,935 223,906 234,029 6.7 6.7 6.6 95.7
60-64 466,611 219,368 247,243 6.8 6.6 7 88.7
65-69 449,224 199,463 249,761 6.5 6 7 79.9
70-74 415,507 171,848 243,659 6 5.1 6.9 70.5
75-79 285,956 110,328 175,628 4.2 3.3 5 62.8
80-84 185,560 66,515 119,045 2.7 2 3.4 55.9
85-89 99,512 33,581 65,931 1.4 1 1.9 50.9
90-94 28,996 9,528 19,468 0.4 0.3 0.5 48.9
95-99 4,304 1,518 2,786 0.1 0 0.1 54.5
100+ 205 87 118 0 0 0 73.7

Bulgaria Age structure and Population pyramid

Bulgaria Age structure and Population pyramid

Bulgaria Sex ratio

Bulgaria Sex ratio

Bulgaria Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Bulgaria

Bulgaria Population (1950 - 2024)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2023 6,718,208 -0.83 -56,092 94.17 61.88
2022 6,774,300 -0.81 -55,336 94.19 62.40
2021 6,829,636 -0.79 -54,708 94.23 62.91
2020 6,884,344 -0.78 -54,165 94.26 63.42
2019 6,938,509 -0.77 -53,641 94.29 63.91
2018 6,992,150 -0.75 -53,109 94.33 64.41
2017 7,045,259 -0.74 -52,537 94.37 64.90
2016 7,097,796 -0.73 -51,991 94.42 65.38
2015 7,149,787 -0.72 -51,521 94.48 65.86
2014 7,201,308 -0.71 -51,231 94.55 66.33
2013 7,252,539 -0.70 -51,202 94.64 66.81
2012 7,303,741 -0.70 -51,490 94.73 67.28
2011 7,355,231 -0.70 -52,066 94.80 67.75
2010 7,407,297 -0.71 -52,760 94.86 68.23
2005 7,682,614 -3.97 -317,896 94.88 70.77
2000 8,000,510 -4.28 -357,606 95.03 73.70
1995 8,358,116 -5.25 -462,995 95.98 76.99
1990 8,821,111 -1.55 -139,276 97.27 81.26
1985 8,960,387 1.07 95,152 98.49 82.54
1980 8,865,235 1.58 137,903 99.35 81.66
1975 8,727,332 2.74 232,567 99.80 80.39
1970 8,494,765 3.51 288,201 100.03 78.25
1965 8,206,564 4.32 340,092 100.00 75.59
1960 7,866,472 4.31 325,177 99.80 72.46
1955 7,541,295 4.00 290,296 99.76 69.47
1950 7,250,999 99.92 66.79
Chart population Bulgaria Population (1950 - 2024)