Population of Bangladesh (2025)

Bangladesh population


Births this year: 25,550,946 Births today 5,619
Deaths this year 7,127,369 Deaths today 1,567

Bangladesh Population by Religions(2004)

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim 89.5% 139,787,259 people
Hindu 9.6% 14,993,941 people
other 0.9% 1,405,682 people

Bangladesh Population by Ethnic groups (1998)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Bengali 98% 153,063,144 people
other (includes tribal groups, non-Bengali Muslims) 2% 3,123,738 people

Bangladesh population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 179,063,375 90,133,864 88,929,511 100 100 100 101.4
00-04 14,410,419 7,359,896 7,050,523 8 8.2 7.9 104.4
05-09 14,938,812 7,624,522 7,314,290 8.3 8.5 8.2 104.2
10-14 15,185,237 7,752,148 7,433,089 8.5 8.6 8.4 104.3
15-19 15,381,247 7,865,018 7,516,229 8.6 8.7 8.5 104.6
20-24 15,868,886 8,083,109 7,785,777 8.9 9 8.8 103.8
25-29 15,578,342 7,869,876 7,708,466 8.7 8.7 8.7 102.1
30-34 14,768,552 7,389,504 7,379,048 8.2 8.2 8.3 100.1
35-39 13,970,306 6,882,205 7,088,101 7.8 7.6 8 97.1
40-44 12,990,063 6,359,638 6,630,425 7.3 7.1 7.5 95.9
45-49 11,354,280 5,566,510 5,787,770 6.3 6.2 6.5 96.2
50-54 9,337,005 4,644,765 4,692,240 5.2 5.2 5.3 99
55-59 8,310,660 4,137,972 4,172,688 4.6 4.6 4.7 99.2
60-64 6,439,546 3,244,621 3,194,925 3.6 3.6 3.6 101.6
65-69 4,087,588 2,098,377 1,989,211 2.3 2.3 2.2 105.5
70-74 2,332,915 1,212,207 1,120,708 1.3 1.3 1.3 108.2
75-79 1,820,327 917,141 903,186 1 1 1 101.5
80-84 1,223,795 605,572 618,223 0.7 0.7 0.7 98
85-89 646,188 319,982 326,206 0.4 0.4 0.4 98.1
90-94 293,299 142,053 151,246 0.2 0.2 0.2 93.9
95-99 100,936 47,127 53,809 0.1 0.1 0.1 87.6
100+ 24,972 11,621 13,351 0 0 0 87

Bangladesh Age structure and Population pyramid

Bangladesh Age structure and Population pyramid

Bangladesh Sex ratio

Bangladesh Sex ratio

Bangladesh Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 177,433,357 0.95 1,674,942 101.42 1,363.09
2023 175,758,415 0.99 1,719,562 101.48 1,350.22
2022 174,038,853 1.02 1,764,412 101.55 1,337.01
2021 172,274,441 1.06 1,807,659 101.61 1,323.46
2020 170,466,782 1.10 1,848,690 101.67 1,309.57
2019 168,618,092 1.13 1,883,370 101.73 1,295.37
2018 166,734,722 1.16 1,907,004 101.79 1,280.90
2017 164,827,718 1.18 1,916,854 101.85 1,266.25
2016 162,910,864 1.19 1,915,222 101.91 1,251.52
2015 160,995,642 1.21 1,918,129 101.95 1,236.81
2014 159,077,513 1.22 1,920,119 101.99 1,222.08
2013 157,157,394 1.22 1,900,007 102.01 1,207.32
2012 155,257,387 1.21 1,851,775 102.05 1,192.73
2011 153,405,612 1.18 1,788,835 102.13 1,178.50
2010 151,616,777 1.14 1,710,941 102.29 1,164.76
2005 142,929,979 8.87 11,649,240 103.79 1,098.03
2000 131,280,739 10.85 12,852,971 104.23 1,008.53
1995 118,427,768 11.74 12,444,632 104.35 909.79
1990 105,983,136 13.94 12,967,954 104.57 814.19
1985 93,015,182 14.32 11,651,006 104.69 714.57
1980 81,364,176 14.20 10,117,023 104.07 625.06
1975 71,247,153 9.53 6,198,452 104.35 547.34
1970 65,048,701 16.50 9,213,681 105.18 499.72
1965 55,835,020 15.84 7,634,318 105.89 428.94
1960 48,200,702 14.43 6,078,531 106.97 370.29
1955 42,122,171 11.16 4,227,491 107.94 323.59
1950 37,894,680 109.24 291.12
Chart population Bangladesh Population (1950 - 2025)